5 Effective Sales Strategies

Sales QuoteWhen people say they don’t know anything about sales, I say they are wrong. Everyone is involved in selling in some way every day, whether its “selling” dinner to your children, talking to your boss about a proposed project, or discussing policy changes with employees. We try to influence our audience with details, facts, descriptions and a desire for them to accept our proposal. How successful we are depends on many factors; information provided, how it is provided and how the message is delivered. It is often said that you get more bees with honey and that can be the case with how we approach sales.  Sales can cycle like the phases of the moon, but there are some strategies that you can implement that provide some consistency, no matter who is your audience.

Here are 5 strategies to remember in sales: 

  • Know your Product: Knowledge is power! If you don’t have product education, you can’t sell. Having detailed information about your products and services is critical to selling them. Clients know when you are scrambling for information. They want you to be the expert so they can trust your judgement. If you need product training, get it – no excuses.
  • Know your Customer: Who is your client? What are their needs? You should have a clear discovery process where you can uncover their needs easily. Clients want to feel like they are having a personalized experience. The first step to making the sale is to offer solutions that fill their needs.
  • Body Language: Use a level, friendly voice and speak with confidence. Make eye contact, smile and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Overcome the No: Turn objections around with providing additional information . You need to sell value over  price; features and benefits are what is important.  No one likes to feel pressured, so sampling is a great option, as long as you follow up.  At times, a no means no – that needs to be respected.
  • Attitude: Having a positive attitude is one the most important factors in sales. Radiating a positive attitude directly impacts your client and closing the sale. People know when someone if not truthful or unhappy in their job, and therefore will not want to do business with you.

Think about where your team’s weaknesses are in your customer sales cycle. You may need additional sales training, product knowledge, incentives and a new attitude about sales and your customer. Acara Partners are experts in sales and sales training. Contact our office to learn how Acara can get your sales on track. Call Colleen Acunzo at 203-488-0028 ext 305 or email cacunzo@acarapartners.com