10 Tips for Effective Advertisements


An example of a great advertisement. Easy to read, call to action, visible contact information, and great tag line. Sample advertisement only.

People are bombarded with hundreds of advertisements daily – from billboards, to radio, tv and social media.  How many of us just tune them out as they clutter our space?  Yet, there are those few advertisements that make us stop and look.  They are usually different and stand out in some way, make us laugh or think “hmmmm, that’s interesting.”

When you are working with your creative team, you should know what goes into effective and memorable  advertisements.  They can truly emphasize your brand, make people recognize your business and most importantly, draw customers in.

Here are the top ten items for effective advertisements: 

  1. Make a visual impression. What is the first thing that your eye is drawn to? Does it stand out, send a message?
  2. Evoke an emotion. Your overall advertisement should “speak” to your audience and make them stop and want to know more. 
  3. Strong and catchy headline. It doesn’t take many words to get your message across – make them count.
  4. Branding element. Incorporate signature colors, logo or anything in your business’s design that will brand your piece.
  5. Be relevant to your audience. Be sure that what you are advertising is appropriate for the time of year, holiday, or something that interests your clients. 
  6. Integrate other social media like QR codes. Be sure that you incorporate other ways for people to connect with you, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google + links.
  7. Have well written copy. No more than a paragraph or two. People like short and concise messaging.  If it’s too long, they they tend to tune out and your audience is gone. 
  8. Logo and contact information are visible. Do not hide your contact information, make it prominent . People need to know how to reach you. 
  9. Have a call to action. What is the incentive? Is it clearly written and easy to understand? Be sure there is no room for misinterpretation. 
  10. Less is more. You don’t have to fill every area of white space on a page. Allow breathing room on your page for people to see what matters, your message, image, and call to action. 

Be sure that your final piece appeals to your audience while enhancing your brand – advertising is expensive and you want to get it right the first time!

The digital marketing team at Acara knows how to design and create the most effective advertisements for medical spa businesses. If you need a fresh campaign, please reach out to us at 203-488-0028 ext 305.

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